We live in an exciting era that asks us to pay close attention to the purpose and value of our efforts.
Mine have never been clearer .... creating and sharing Joy and Optimism through my paintings and teaching.

Ho ho ho
'tis almost the season, and if like me you're starting to think about gifting friends and family a meaningful present .... then here for you is my
Helpful Seasonal Gift Guide.
1. hand made prints
A range of beautiful handmade fine art prints ..... from just £39.

2. gift of learning
Classes and workshops for artists - starting out, returning, or developing ... online and in person. There are group and individual classes and mentoring that will suit everyone.
From 121 sessions in the studio to my free online Just Paint January class, all make great presents.
Follow this link to see available classes.

4. gift vouchers
Always a welcome gift.
We have beautiful printed gift vouchers in a range of denominations from £25 upwards.
For gift voucher options see here.

5. a bespoke painting
Each year I offer just five bespoke Christmas Present Paintings.
Each painting 36 x 36cm framed size and is completely unique to you. Painted to your specifications and subject matter, they will delivered in time for Christmas. These truly unique gifts are popular each year and sell out quickly.
Priced at £495.
To book yours, please follow this link.

6. an advent of art
Daily paintings available to my Facebook Friends. Each day I post a new small painting - my Advent calendar of Art.
Most of these paintings are priced at just £195 plus p/p. A real bargain and a lovely present for a loved one or indeed yourself.
You are welcome to copy and paste these as a daily screensaver throughout December.
These are posted daily throughout the advent period from December 1st and are available on a first come first served basis.
To take part and enjoy these paintings follow me on Facebook here.